Secondary Children begin their secondary education at the age of 11 and remain in this phase until 18 years of age. The Secondary National Curriculum of England and Wales is made up of three key stages:
- Key Stage 3: Years 7 to 9
- Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11 (IGCSE)
- Key Stage 5: Years 12 and 13 (AS / A2 levels)
The JCS Secondary programme provides a broad and balanced education that is essential in preparing students for the future. KEY STAGE 3 Key Stage 3 forms the transition between primary school and the external examinations programme offered in the senior school. A range of subjects are offered to students providing them with the opportunity to discover and examine their own particular interest and talents:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Bahasa Indonesia
- PE
- Music and Dance
This range of subjects gives the students a broad understanding and knowledge and enables students to develop independent learning, along with time and organisation management, inquiry and reflective skills. The content of the curriculum is modified slightly to take into account our location in South East Asia. It is inquiry based with an emphasis on developing basic skills and concepts and building a firm foundation for future studies.
Key Stage 4 prepares students for external examinations in IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) set by the Cambridge International Examinations Board (CIE). These examinations are internationally recognised and prepare students for advanced level study. IGCSE subjects are selected by students in close consultation with parents and teachers. Students are encouraged to maintain a broad and balanced curriculum bearing in mind their pathway after the completion of IGCSE examinations. Students can elect to take IGCSEs in the following subjects:
- English First Language
- English as a Second Language
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Coordinated Science
- Geography
- Business Studies
- Indonesian First or Second Language
This academic programme is supported by non-examined subjects such as Art, Music and Dance and PE which give students a balance whilst maintaining the breadth of study and knowledge to make future decisions.
Key Stage 4 is a significant and influential stage of a student’s academic journey as students begin to make personal choices about the subjects they wish to study at A Level. Students learn to become more independent and start to develop a more clearly defined sense of direction for the future. Information and guidance about A Level options and careers becomes a key focus both academically and pastorally. Subject teachers and tutors encourage students to explore and discuss choices and opportunities open to them, whilst taking into consideration their personal strengths and ambitions.

KEY STAGE 5 (AS and A Levels)
Students follow two-year Advanced Level courses leading to external examinations set and marked in the UK by the Cambridge International Examinations Board (CIE). These examinations are internationally recognised and prepare students for higher education studies. The curriculum aims to provide breadth, depth and balance, challenging all students to meet their academic potential through the acquisition of knowledge and the progression of skills.
To enter the A level programme of study, students are required to have achieved at least 5 good passes at IGCSE (grade C and above), with B grades in those subjects they wish to pursue as an A level. Mathematics requires an A grade at IGCSE in order to begin the course. All students who wish to move on to higher education should have the minimum of C grades in both English and Mathematics at IGCSE.
To complete the full A level, students must participate in a two year programme. Students will not be allowed to progress from AS to A2 if they do not achieve pass grades at AS level. To find out more about the Secondary National Curriculum (Key Stages 3 and 4), click on the link below: Secondary Curriculum