Parent and Friends Association (PFA)
Our PFA is a vital element in the fabric of our school community. Our PFA is guided in all its undertakings by the school’s vision and mission statement. It promotes a partnership between parents and the school, encouraging a joint responsibility to work closely to develop and extend the relationship between staff, parents and others associated with the school.
On joining JCS all parents and carers automatically become part of our PFA. Parents are encouraged to become active members of our PFA, supporting our school activities and helping us realise some of the school's wider goals. As a community we seek the support of all our parents and families; as a PFA member you are able to help guide this.
JCS has a PFA Executive Committee. This is a small team of parents and staff who have been elected by the parents. This committee coordinates and oversees the calendar of events, fund-raising activities and communication between the PFA, home and school. The committee looks to parents to offer support in running these activities.
The role of our PFA is to:
- Stimulate an active interest in the life of our school.
- Foster a spirit of community amongst parents, staff and friends of our school.
- Promote cooperation between parents, staff and students of our school.
- Demonstrate integrity in our daily operations
- Be innovative in our approach
- Promote social responsibility in all our activities
- Work in partnership with the parent, local and regional community